Videos for Sellers

Hello everyone, seems like it’s been a while since we’ve had fun ideas come through. This week I have two great videos that are sure to get your sellers interested. The first is based on an article Zillow published about how living near a Starbucks can boost your home value. The other is seller questions! Below are the structures for scripts to use.

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Shooting Videos Using Life’s Frustrations

I’m sure we’ve all been there, where something or someone has thrown a wrench in our day and it’s now ruined. As real estate agents it can happen all to often. Buyers and sellers aren’t always on the up-and-up about real estate, but there are time when frustration can hit it’s limit. Don’t let these things ruin your day! Instead use it as an awesome video topic to educate your clients. I have one client in particular that has made a series of “Why You’re Wrong About Real Estate” videos that sky rocket on Facebook. With a fun and in-your-face energy these videos can be a BIG hit; and let you blow off some steam.

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All This Talk About Loan Guidelines

With all this chatter about loan standards, and how they’re changing how’s anyone supposed to know what’s up? As many buyers are contemplating jumping into the fast approaching spring market, they could use some help. Here’s a lovely article about the new FHA home loan guidelines for 2015, and what they mean for your buyers. Follow along with the script below, and let them know exactly why this year is excellent for home buyers.

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Latest and Greatest Way to Shoot Videos

The biggest, and probably most fun, element of Vyral are the educational videos you shoot. Over the years this process has changed, bee adjusted, and tweaked to get you the best video possible. This week’s team meeting was no exception to that. Our CEO and master mentor Frank has come up with a new way to shoot videos. This doesn’t require any fancy new equipment, or even stellar acting skills. The only change is the format in which you shoot your videos.

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My Favorite Places Script

Monday scripts! This script is for targeting a specific area, city or location that you service. Several clients have had success with these videos; one client specifically is getting an average 25% open rate and 3-4% click rate for his emails including these videos. This video started it all for him and we’ve sent out a total of three city/location videos for him. All of those videos have gotten great response. Check out the script below and tailor it to your area or city.

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Buyers Questions

While browsing the interweb I came across this article “5 Trends That Changed the Face of Real Estate in 2014”. But what really got me interested was the video at the bottom of the article.


Hi!   This is _______  with ________  in  _________________

Welcome back to our video blog, and today we’re answering the key question from homebuyers, (choose question below)

If you’re thinking about buying a home, click the link right below this video to Search All Homes for Sale, where you have more accurate and timely information than sites like Zillow and Trulia.

So back to the question.

Choose from a question below:

What are realistic priorities for buyers to have?

How can a I make the most of current homes on the market?

How can I find affordable credit? (this may be a good one to include your lender on)

If you think of more questions this video brought of feel free to let me know, and we can set up a time to shoot a video. As always if you have questions or concerns contact me.

Holiday Budget goes to Mortgage Payment

Last week I read an article here that said Americans are spending more than 30% of their income on housing payments, and 49% of renters are “cost burdened” by their rent payments. This to me doesn’t seem close to being right. A person sacrificing over a third of their income just for a roof over their heads is ridiculous. So this week here’s a question to throw into your video shoots.

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